Friday, December 16, 2005

Stuff I read this semester

Here are some of the things I've read substantially or completely since August

  1. John Howard Yoder, Politcs of Jesus
  2. Christopher Steck, the Ethcial Thought of Hans Urs von Balthasar
  3. David Burrell, Faith and Freedom
  4. Jean Luc-Marion, In Excess-Essays in Saturated Phenomena
  5. David Hart, The Beauty of the Infinite: Aesthetics of Christian Truth
  6. Michelle Gonzales, Sor Juana: Beauty and Justice in the Americas
  7. Jurgen Moltmann, God in Creation
  8. Colin Gunton, The Triune Creator: An Historical and Sytematic Study
  9. Colin Gunton, The One, the Three, and the Many
  10. Gordon Kaufman, In the Beginning...Creativity
  11. Elaine Scarry, On Beauty and Being Just
  12. William Schweiker and Charles Mathewes (eds.), Having: Property and Possession in Religous and Social Life
  13. Augustine,Confessions
  14. John Paul II, Fides et Ratio
  15. Craig A. Carter, The Politics of the Cross