Monday, November 01, 2004


Happy All-Saints Day everyone.

I carved pumpkins last night with Katie. My pumpkin was a skeleton-pirate with a bandana on his head. I'm going over to her house tonight to finish watching Van Helsing.

I have to get up early tomorrow and do my "patriotic duty" and vote for the lesser of two evils. It's amazing that in a society that values consumerism, we still only have two options when it comes to voting: Flippy Floppy botox guy or Texas Alamo, Go-at-it-alone guy.

I wish Laura Bush could be president. She is pretty.

I think that the Subaru Outback is so hot right now.

It's weird to have a blog again. It's like, who is really listening? Who really cares? I'm not eloquent, I"m not raging about something, and I'm not funny.

I listened to a book on tape by Noam Chomsky. It was called Hegenonomy or Survival and it was about how America needs to start thinking a little more clearly about the selfish and bullying foreign policies it is creating because soon we will all go cablooey. You know, I wonder if we will see USA fall in our lifetime. Pride comes before a fall.


nontalk said...

Tim, I think the fact that you are writing a blog again makes me....well....very happy. And I hope that you should continue this practise.

I am soooo glad you think the Subaru Outback is hot right now. (*snicker, snicker...actually I think only liberals drive them...snicker*)

The last thing that I will say is, you ARE eloquent. You make Lord Byron seem like 50 Cent.

Mark Van Steenwyk said...

Hey Yod,

I notice that one of your hobbies is "theological aesthetics." You should blog about why anyone should care about such things.

Btw, we should have coffee sometime while you simultaneously let me pilfer from Loome.